Tapestry and the Arts
Stirring conversations to bring change
Painting Change encourages arts for activism, both producing activist art and striving to make that art visible and available. (Tapestry’s images are free for use but not sale, so long as the title of the work and acknowledgements (with link to Tapestry’s website) can be read alongside the image.
"Frannie was Tickled Pink that She Lived with Vegans."
"Rebecca and Annabelle: As in a Mirror"
"Though born in a humble stable, Mary and Sarah could see no reason for pessimism."
"Emily was perplexed—who could mistake a cow for a Creamery?"
“Even the jackals offer the breast and nurse their young, but my people have become cruel” (Lamentations 4:3)
"Though light of spirit, Iris could not stop worrying about her disappearing wetlands."
“Suzie was not bashful about showing passers-by the power of plant foods.”