Tapestry’s Religion Program
Bringing change among the world’s 5.8 billion diverse people of faith requires knowledge—knowledge that is not currently available. While sacred teachings overwhelmingly require compassionate action, very few people know the breadth or specifics of these important teachings, but many know the few, isolated, worn-out scriptures commonly used to defend the status quo. Highlighting this deficiency, some well-established organizations have added bits of information about religious ethics and animals across a sampling of religious traditions, but this scattered approach only highlights the need for a website that provides comprehensive, systematic coverage on the topic of animals and religions—a website developed and vetted by scholars inside each religious tradition that will answer to the religious needs of people of faith. Tapestry’s Animals & Religion website will provide comprehensive, systematic, thoroughly researched coverage of animals and ethics in each of the world’s largest and most influential religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, Native Religions, Islam, Jainism, and Judaism.
Lisa Kemmerer, Ph.D
Sammy Joo, Ph.D
Activist and Scholar
Kit Jagoda, M.Ed. Admin
Artist and Educator