Research & Writing
Most of Tapestry’s work hours are spent on research and writing, often with an eye to deficiencies in available literature. Tapestry published Oppressive Liberation in 2023, an extensive study of sexism inside the animal liberation movement. In 2022 Tapestry published three books, including Vegan Ethics: AMORE—Five Reasons to Choose Vegan, a concise, easy-to-read book that covers all of the key reasons to choose vegan in one inexpensive book. Also in 2022, as part of the Animals and Religion program at Tapestry, we published Animals and Judaism and Animals and Christianity. In addition to books, Tapestry accepts a handful of requests for articles for anthologies and journals. Every year, Tapestry’s Research and Writing Program brings new information on animal ethics and animal liberation to activists, scholars, students, and the general public, always with an eye to bringing change.